Finding Alicetile


This project is about exploring and immersing in the surreal world of Alice while trying to beat the Prankster Alice at her game of hide and seek. The player travels from one world to the next by unlocking doors either by shooting at the blue flames or going through them. Furthermore, as Alice is a prankster, there will be fake doors that do nothing. As a little guide, there will also be little spot lights which will help guide the players through their journey. Our objective is to create an immersive environment that allows the user to use their imagination to interpret the world around them, experience a compelling narrative and explore handcrafted scenery. We want the user to experience a sense of mystery and curiosity when they enter our world. We focused on implementing sensory and imaginative immersion. Our prime concern was finding ways to occlude aspects from reality and use sounds to make the experience more immersive. This guided us in deciding on the atmospheric colours of the worlds as well as the sounds we use. Sounds are also manipulated to match each environment.


Related Documents

Game Download
Executive Summary
Design Process Website


Project Details:

Team of 4

Programs used:

  • Unity3D
  • Maya
  • Audacity
  • Photoshop


  • Scene creator
  • Project manager
  • Main programmer


  • Created 5 out of the 10 environments in game:
    • Bedroom
    • Clock Tower
    • Cross Road
    • Card Chase
    • Final Revelation scene
  • Programing
  • Graphics


The creation can be broken down into Affinity diagram assisted brainstorm, conceptualize, modeling and finally programming in Unity 3D. More detailed explanation of the process can be found on an external website by clicking here.